Integrating JDBC in Servlet Programming

Now, let us see how to integrate JDBC in Servlets. Generally in web based application we will come through this type of programs. In some websites you might have come across some registration forms, in such registration form, when you enter the data and once you click on the SUBMIT button the entire data is stored into the database. In such cases these programs are used. 

Now, let us assume that the following is the registration form in which we are ought to enter the details.

Registration form
Registration form

The following program sends the data from registration form to the database.

program sends the data from registration form to the database
Program to send data from registration form to database
 The following is the program to retrieve the data from servlet and display to the client.

program to retrieve the data from servlet and display
program to retrieve the data from servlet and display

With this we have came to know how to integrate JDBC in servlets.

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